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Full Stack Web Developer Startups, Web Development, Data & Analytics, SaaS Applications, Landing Pages & Blogs.


I'm Josh.

Full Stack Developer, based in Orange County, CA. 🍊

UI/UX Design

Good UI/UX design enhances user experience, increases engagement, and ultimately leads to higher user satisfaction and loyalty

Project Management

Effective project management helps ensure timely delivery, optimize resource utilization, and improve collaboration, resulting in successful project outcomes and client satisfaction.


Efficient DevOps practices can enable faster delivery of high-quality software, improve collaboration between development and operations teams, increase efficiency and automation, and ultimately better customer satisfaction and business outcomes.


Modern web development involves the use of advanced technologies and techniques to create dynamic and interactive websites and web applications that are optimized for a range of devices and platforms.

Get your project or website up and running in no time.


Design the website or web application. This may includes wireframes, mockups, and prototypes. This is also the time to decide on a design language or theme for your project.


Plan the development phases of the website or web application. This may include a project plan, timeline, roadmap, and budget.


Decide on the technology stack, databases, schemas, APIs, CI/CD, and deployment strategy.


Start developing the website or web application, using the technology stack decided on in step 3.

Test & Iterate

Test and iterate on the design and functionality of the website or web application.


Deploy the website or web application to the web or your company's intranet.



These are the technologies I use the most to build my projects.

Hugging Face

articles, projects, & tutorials.

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These are some of my latest blog posts, articles, tutorials, and projects. I write about web development, design, and technology. I also share my experiences and lessons learned from my projects and adventures.


Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions about me and my work.

How long have you been coding?

I've been coding for 9 years.

What tech was made to use this site?, and why did you choose it?

Astro, TailwindCSS, and Vercel. I chose Astro because it's a modern static site generator that combines performance, flexibility, and simplicity. This enables me to build dynamic sites that are FAST. I chose TailwindCSS because it's a utility-first CSS framework that enables fast and responsive, reusable and customizable classes, reducing development time and complexity. I chose Vercel because it's a cloud platform for serverless functions, static sites, and JAMstack applications, providing seamless integration with Git, CI/CD, and custom domains.

I don't know technology, can I still work with you?

Absolutely! As long as you have a vision, and we can work together to build it.

How do I create a project with you?

If you have an idea for a product, you can contact us through our website, email, or phone. We'll schedule a meeting to discuss your idea in detail. It's helpful to have as much information as possible about your idea, but if you're not sure how to articulate it, we can guide you through the process.

What do I need to know before working with you?

It's essential to have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish with your software application. You should be able to answer questions like "Why do I need this software? What should it do? Who is the target user? If you don't have experience with app development, we can guide you through the process

I want to be involved in the app development process. Do you have a problem with that?

Not at all! We welcome your input and feedback throughout the development process.

What happens after you finish my app?

We are happy to provide technical support and app maintenance, and the source code and all technical data are at your disposal. If you need help, you can contact us anytime.

What is your preferred technology stack?

My go-to lately has actually been the T3 stack. This includes Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind, and tRPC.








Contact Me

Let's talk about your project.We'll work together to create a solution that fits your budget and timeline.